Integrative Breathow® is a whole-body healing method that uses breath to liberate women's heart area, voice expression, and pelvic sensations. It combines a wide range of anatomically informed breathing exercises with shamanic dreamtime journeys, allowing participants to experience a full rooting into the body and profound connection to the intuitive self. It addresses the 3 core blocks many women yearn to heal, liberating the pelvis, rib cage, and voice box through carefully curated breathing practices.
Feminine Dimension of Breath
Integrative Breathow® is distinct from pranayama or breathwork, offering a balancing feminine practice that de-emphasizes fast pace or stringent repetition and instead promotes inside-out somatic knowledge. It recognizes that we heal, release & rewire in the slow feminine dimension which leaves ample time for unfolding and physical adjustment.
Deepen into your body
This approach allows you to experience breath as a practice that takes us not up and out of the physical, but rather into the grounding and bliss of the body.
ReWild Your Voice Expression
Participants are invited into a sensual, slow, and soothing breath that integrates the forgotten feminine elements of sensory knowledge & embodied anatomy. IB sessions affect key processes that intertwine with the breathing gesture— using somatic knowledge to free our voice expression, release myo-fascial patterns, and awaken pelvic pleasure
During this 6-week Voice ReWilding & Integrative Breathow Online Journey:
You will learn to somatically connect with your TRUE ROOT VOICE so that you can embody a deep Womanly trust and safety within your own body and freely allow your Authentic Expression to emerge in your relationships, parenting, work, intimacy, creative projects, and everyday life.
Our focus will be on connecting with the area of your heart, pelvis, and voice box, working with a curated set of breath practices and shamanic dream journies where you will be guided to deepen into your true feminine source of power.
Benefits of the workshop:
Experiencing the feminine dimension of breath
Freeing the 3 key feminine centers of heart, voice & pelvis
Releasing old physical patterns with self-empowered bodywork
Liberating the body into new movement and joy
Inviting myo-fascial release and re-patterning
Connecting with your intuitive self
Sinking into relaxation & body grounding
Learning techniques to access your own inner guidance
Entering profound rest & digest modes during breathing practice
Awakening full-body bliss and anatomical awareness
Anchoring into a deep sense of embodied safety and trust
Freely expressing your TRUE ROOT VOICE and DEEPLY ROOTED FEMININE POWER in a very tangible, visceral, and authentic way
Location: Live Online via Zoom
A LIMITED TIME INTRO PRICE OF: $250 paid in full
What to bring to Session:
Yoga Mat, Blanket, Pen & paper, and be in a quiet distraction-free environment with ample space to lay down and stretch out legs and arms
To Save your Place please Email me at: with the Subject line " REWILDING”
You can make your $250 payment by clicking the payment link below:
***Group Journey Only Payment Link
to upgrade with 2- 60 min 1:1 coaching sessions with Janelle click the link below to pay:
***Group Journey + 2 Session Add On w/ Janelle Payment Link
****if you have any questions or need a payment plan please feel free to ask by emailing me at with the Subject line "REWILDING”
Thank you for your interest and I look forward to journeying with you soon!
EMAIL- WEB- INSTAGRAM- @venusain_alchemy
“Well hi there pelvis!
My intention was to connect with a deeper true expression and with my pelvis which felt quite numb and disconnected from the rest of me a lot of the time.
Janelle guided me deeply and slowly into my body using breath, movement, sound, and anatomy.
This approach and the safe, sacred guidance from Janelle resulted in a new level of embodiment for me. I can feel my pelvis now and I feel a new sense of aliveness within.
I have learned how to create so much more space in my heart space and rib cage and now have practices I can do at home.
On the beach today I felt soooo in my body and the sun, the breeze, the sand... I could feel it all nourishing my being.
It was like I could suddenly receive more. My inner cup is filling.
Thank you Janelle for guiding me into deeper embodiment. It is truly delicious.
Thank you thank you thank you.“
~ Manda J
For several decades I struggled with tension, fatigue, migraines, back pain, and lack of mental clarity. My posture was protective and I was told I likely had arthritis in my neck at age 35. I was very often dissociative, and unable to stand up for myself or others. I had an emotionally turbulent childhood, a lack of direction in my early adult life, and an abusive marriage.
Despite all doctors and loved ones telling me I was fine, I thought I was broken. I had been focused on ‘healing’ for most of my life. I dove into every promising conventional and alternative method I could find.
Through working with Janelle, not only did I learn that I was not broken, but that what I considered ‘broken’ was actually a web of protective strategies my body brilliantly designed out of necessity. Once I could thank my body for creating such elegant ‘solutions’ to the stressors it faced, everything shied.
Although this work is subtle, it is incredibly powerful. Within three sessions of Integrative Breathow and Voice Rewilding with Janelle, the floodgates opened. I had several transformative experiences where I could literally feel my body releasing my most deeply held emotions. is created a monumental shift for me: the more I felt, the more I could allow myself to feel. Janelle titrated the work to a pace my nervous system could handle, which uncovered—and consistently reinforced—visceral proof of a healed state.
I’m now experiencing more clarity and discernment, a release of lifelong points of tension in my body, and a willingness to use my voice to confidently set boundaries. I am more aware of tension in my body and can let it go. My once-constant anxiety and overwhelm are dissipating. I recognize when I’m dissociating and have the tools to regain presence. I am more in touch with my inner guidance and am cultivating safety within myself. I am tangibly releasing barriers to receivership and excited for new opportunities. I am more attuned to my children, relaxed in my interactions with others, and have more energy available for service. My meditations are increasingly insightful, as I have shied from being in my head and guarded, to surrendering to the wisdom of my body and more deeply connected to life.
Working with Janelle is always a pleasure. She is extremely intuitive, open hearted, lovingly direct, and works within your capacity on every level. Where she truly excels, is as a steward of the unveiling and restoration of our original feminine architecture through the nervous system. She expertly holds space for the unraveling of all that no longer serves us, so that we may truly feel connected to our bodies and the revelation of all that we are in divine wholeness.
In each phase of this work I have found a childlike excitement and renewed inspiration. is journey is a co-creative process, and I am incredibly grateful for Janelle’s part in mine.”
~ Alexia W