Feminine Wholeness 1:1 Mentoring Journey
Women are the Original Alchemists, you were not created to live in an eternal loop of healing, you were given the power to meet yourself fully from the deep knowing you are whole and complete.
You are the bridge of Matter and Spirit and when this becomes your deepest Source of devotion you discover 3 things:
1) You are the original source of nourishment you've been longing for
2) You are the agency you've forgotten
3) Your aliveness is the most valuable contribution you can give to yourself and others
This completely reorients your context for being and will gently and consistently guide you out of a state of constant fixing and into your Greater Wisdom, Courage, and the indescribable Beauty of being a Woman. In short, it restores you to the Original Woman that you were created to be.
The most liberating key to your evolution resides right where you are now. It isn't something you need to continually search for and force to achieve it is something you allow by meeting yourself fully in the simplicity and complexity of your day-to-day life and relationships.
This is where your power is, it is the alchemy of how you interact with the deep soul wisdom within you and how you apply that to your life. Your aliveness or lack thereof is always guiding you to the next piece of the puzzle and your body is showing you exactly what you need to meet it along the way.
In your 6-month 1:1 journey, you will:
1) Learn about Nervous System Sovereignty and how to build your capacity for more aliveness, intimacy, and abundance.
2) Discover a new way of knowing yourself through an Interactive Feminine Map that completely changes how you perceive yourself and others. (hint: IT IS LIFE CHANGING!!!)
3) Open your Feminine channel of Womb, Heart, and Mind through Somatic Movement Sessions so you can Embody your Full Womanly Range of Expression
4) Find Peace, Empowerment, and Beauty with your Unique Female Form and Cycles.
5) Experience how life wants to move through you! ( Believe me, there is nothing better than this!)
6) Discover YOUR unique path of Embodied Success and so much more...
Who is the 6-month 1:1
Feminine Wholeness Journey NOT for?
Women who....
Are not willing to let go of spiritual concepts, identities, and ideas that prevent them from being in their bodies.
Believe their only sense of worth can come from their business, career, or what they do for others.
Aren't willing to be honest and take sacred responsibility for their life.
Want a quick and easy path to success, relationships, and abundance without trusting that their path unfolds over time.
Are not ready and willing to emerge out of the endless loop of healing that prevents their Feminine Aliveness to thrive.
Who are not willing to create the boundaries needed to invest time and resources in yourself.
Who are not willing to unravel from the false beauty template and inverted matrix way of "getting" to belong, fit in, or achieve
Women who are not willing to discover and deepen their relationship with Source
Are in the midst of a major crisis and/or are dealing with severe unresolved trauma.
Who is the 6-Month 1:1
Feminine Wholeness Journey for?
Women who....
Are ready and willing to meet themselves fully in everyday life.
Are not willing to sacrifice their life force, well-being, and deep values just to "get ahead" or maintain connection.
Are willing to allow their unique path to unfold over time.
Are courageous enough to go in the opposite direction of the majority if needed. (and question mainstream conditioning)
Are ready and willing to create peace and harmony with Men.
Have been called to share their deepest gifts and contributions with their surrounding world and collective from a place of wholeness.
Are done neglecting themselves and are ready to prioritize their aliveness.
Are willing to continually deepen their relationship with Source
Have worked on themselves, are not in immediate crisis situations, and/or are dealing with severe unresolved trauma.
If you are interested in living from the root of your own somatic radiance, feminine wholeness, and embodied success then please reach out to begin the most influential journey there is, the one that leads back home to you.
Click on the button below to apply to work with me 1:1 and I will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Much love,